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Go Solar! Installing a solar photovoltaic (PV) system is one of the most effective ways you can reduce your household carbon footprint.
Annual Town Cleanup Want to be part of our new tradition of community wide trash collection?

Here’s what you need to know.
Plastic Pollution Plastic is polluting the environment and harming wildlife and humans. The problem is only getting worse.

Learn how you can help!
Community Outreach Discover more about our work and how to live more sustainably from our previous presentations and events.
Let's Compost! Composting is one of the most effective ways to reduce your household waste.

Evaluate compost options and choose the method that works best for you!
Weston Plant Pollinator Alliance Find out how WPPA is working to protect native pollination systems critical to sustaining biodiversity, mitigating climate change, and maintaining the health of our local ecosystems.
Community Choice Aggregation The Town of Weston’s aggregation program, Weston Power Choice, is moving forward.

Find out the latest here.
Fix the Gas leaks in Weston Do you have a gas leak near your home? Read the Gas Audit and see the size and location of gas leaks in Weston
© 2019-2024 Sustainable Weston Action Group